Teenage Geniuses Nigerian brothers who built mobile Web browser are getting worldwide recognition

The two teenage brothers, Anesi and Osine Ikhianosime, who developed a mobile browser are now being recognised by various media outlets all over the world.

The story of these brothers who developed their "Crocodile Browser Lite" mobile web browser 'out of boredom' have continued to generate praise and adulation for the boys.

They have trended on Hacker News, been on the BBC and even got a shoutout from Marc Andreessen, coauthor of the first widely used mobile web browser and co-founder of Netscape, on Twitter.

Teenage Geniuses Nigerian brothers who built mobile Web browser are getting worldwide recognition Teenage Geniuses
Nigerian brothers who built mobile Web browser are getting worldwide recognition Reviewed by Unknown on November 03, 2017 Rating: 5

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